What If Heaven Had A Telephone
Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear.
A phone has to be one of the biggest inventions that have hit the face of the earth. People can communicate with their loved ones at ease, despite the distance.
What I find fascinating is that, ever since the telephone was invented in the 1870s until now - with the how "smart" the smartphones are and how advanced technology is - I have not seen or heard of a mobile device that does what the Bible records in Isaiah 65.
Isaiah 65:24
Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear.
It is only God's "technology" that guarantees us that before we call, He will answer and as we are speaking; He will hear.
No invention in this entire world can beat that. Even the best phone in this world only guarantees an answer if the person who is being called chooses to pick a call that has been made to them up.
But God, introduces us to a different dimension. A dimension greater than technology.
Answering before you call. Hearing even before you finish speaking.
That's the God who made you using His own hands and calls you His own. Fix your motives and ensure that all of you is in alignment with His purpose for your life.
Walking in His Word concerning your life, will prove this scripture to be true. You'll see answers to prayers you were only still thinking of making. He will hear you even before you are done talking.
-You are God-built | Cuida tu corazón❤️
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